Assignment 1

Smart Indoor Garden

A smart garden is pretty much what it sounds like title itself. It is an indoor unit for growing a vegetable or a herb that is controlled by technology. These smart gardens can help the plants provide the nutrients, lighting and water as and when needed. It gives a hassle-free growing experience for people. Can grow plants more easier and faster then traditional gardening.

Done by Arun P M, Lalbiakthangi Pautu and Riyaz H

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Assignment 2

Web Developement Basic

The design and development of website. From scratch the website was created by using html CSS and JS. The continuous learning process with parallel turorial videos and documentation. Exploration was part of journey hence new domain and server was used.

Tools used VS Code, Github, Photoshop, Liveserver

Languages HTML, CSS, Javascript

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Assignment 3

Data Science

This assignment is to identify a data science problem and perform the required analysis using data collection, data processing and data visualization. Here we explore the finding of how education can impact the employment in India

Tools used Matlab Online, Tableau, Kaggle and Libre office

Languages Mlx, Tableau, Html

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Assignment 4

Material Selection

This assignment is to identify material from collection and find theperfect material for a required product.

Tools used CES Edupack

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Assignment 5

Electronic prototyping

This assignment is to try and test out prototyping by programming MCU (Arduino UNO).

Tools used Arduino UNO, Ultrasonic sensor, Max7219 matrix display

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Project 1

Project 1 Progress

A smart garden is pretty much what it sounds like title itself. It is an indoor unit for growing a vegetable or a herb that is controlled by technology. These smart gardens can help the plants provide the nutrients, lighting and water as and when needed. It gives a hassle-free growing experience for people. Can grow plants more easier and faster then traditional gardening.

Done by Arun P M, Lalbiakthangi Pautu and Riyaz H

Updated on 19 Feb 2022

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Project 1

Project 1 Final

A smart garden is pretty much what it sounds like title itself. It is an indoor unit for growing a vegetable or a herb that is controlled by technology. These smart gardens can help the plants provide the nutrients, lighting and water as and when needed. It gives a hassle-free growing experience for people. Can grow plants more easier and faster then traditional gardening.

Intriducing EVA read more

Done by Arun P M, Lalbiakthangi Pautu and Riyaz H

Updated on 10 May 2022

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